This union requires patience, time, and endurance; it is a process that as anything else start from the zero point and evolves over time. Most people gets confused about it, because this process from beginning to end have the same name “Meditation”.

The person who tries meditation for the first time might be doing it out of curiosity or because it was recommended, as the benefits can help the person to calm down and sleep better through relaxation.
There are more benefits that most people are not aware.
Meditation Benefits on the Brain
- Help reduce symptoms of panic disorder (3 month study).
- Increases grey matter concentration in the brain (8 month study).
- Decreases depression, anxiety, and stress.
- Decreases depression in mothers-to-be high risk.
- Help regulate moods disorders.
- Help reduce alcohol and substance abuse.
- Improve psychomotor vigilance and decrease sleep need.
- Improve your focus, attention, and the ability to handle strees.
- Improve information processing and decision making.
- Improve mental strenght, resilience, and emotional intelligence.
- Improve pain resistance.
- Help manage Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
- Improve rapid memory recall.
- Improve psychological well-being.
- Prevent to fall in multitask routine.
- Increase better distribution of attention and perception resorces.
- Improve visuospacial processing and memory.
- Increase awareness and creativity.
Benefits on the Body and Health
- Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke (5 years study).
- Help patients with Fibromyalgia (8 month study).
- Reduces blood pressure.
- Decreases inflammatory disorders.
- Prevent asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disorder.
- Reduces risk of Alzheimer and premature death.
- Help manage psoriasis.
- Help manage heart and respiratory rate.
- Help with premenstrual and menopausal symptoms.
- Improves genes mithocondrial energy production, consumption, and resiliency that leads to a better immune system.
- Increase nitric oxide.
- Prevent decline of CD4 T-cells.
- Help maintain telomere length by reducing cognitive stress and stress arousal.
Benefits on Relationships
- Improve emphaty and positive relationships.
- Reduce social isolation.
- Increase feelings of compassion.
- Decrease worries.
- Decrease feelings of longliness.
- Reduce emotional eating.
Benefits of Meditation for Children
- Reduce depression symptoms.
- Reduce somatic stress.
- Reduce hostility and conflict with peers.
- Reduce anxiety.
- Reduce substance abuse.
- Increase cognitive retention.
- Increase optimism.
- Increase self-esteem.
- Increase happiness and well-being.
- Improve social skills.
- Improve sleep.
- Improve self-awareness.
- Improve academic performance.
After a year of practice the beginner practitioner can achieve all the benefits mentioned above and the individual is ready for the next stage into intermediate practitioner.